Axum/ Aksum

Founded more than 3,000 years ago, the ancient capital of Aksum – surrounded by towering obelisks and ruined palaces dating back to its heyday – was once home to the Queen of Sheba and is now reputedly the last resting place of the Biblical Ark of the Covenant.

Location– Tigray

Registration Year: 1980

Lonely Ethiopia Tours

Gonder/ Fasil Castle Compound

The Fasil Ghebbi at Gondar – dubbed the Camelot of Africa – is renowned for its fairytale castles and intricately decorated churches built during imperial Ethiopia’s 17th century prime. The fortress was the residence of the Ethiopian emperors. The city remains, which feature buildings with Hindu and Arab influences, were later remodeled with Baroque-style architecture by Jesuit missionaries


Location– Amhara

Registration Year: 1979

Lonely Ethiopia Tours

Lower Valley of Awash River Paleontological Site

The Lower Valley of the Awash River is one of Africa’s most important paleontological sites, having yielded numerous important hominid fossilsincluding3.2-million-year old Australopithecus afarensis female nicknamed name famous Lucy

Location– SNNPR

Registration Year: 1980

Lonely Ethiopia Tours

Harar Jugol Wall

The walled citadel historical wall city of Harar Jugol is the fourth-holiest city in the Islamic world, after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem, and its 48 hectares are crammed with an incredible 82 mosques and 438 other shrines.

Location– Harari Region

Registration Year: 2006

Lonely Ethiopia Tours

Konso Landscape & Waga sculpture

The most striking feature of Konso Cultural Landscape is its warren-like terraced hilltop villages and anthropomorphic wooden grave-markers known as waka.

Lower Valley Of Omo-Paleontological Site

The Lower Valley of the Omo River is another important, but difficult-to-explore paleontological site located in the SNNP region, having yielded Australopithecus and Homo fossils dating back 2.4 million years.

Meskel Festival

Meskel festival Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity inscribed Meskel commemoration feast of the finding of the True Holy Cross of Christ on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Location – SNNP

Registration Year : 2011

Location – SNNPR

Registration Year :1980

Location – A.A

Registration Year :2013

Explore Ethiopia's unique UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Simien Mountains National Park

Ethiopia’s only Natural World Heritage Site, Simien Mountains National Park is renowned for its spectacular montage scenery & presence of endemic animals such as Walia ibex and gelada baboon.

Location – Amhara

Registration Year : 1978

Tiya Stelae Field – Central Ethiopia

A short drive south of the capital Addis Ababa, Tiya is an archaeological site comprising 36 engraved megaliths or stelae erected in mediaeval time 12th-14th century as to mark a mysterious burial complex of unknown cultural affilations.

Location – Amhara

Registration Year : 1978

Rock churches of Lalibela

The mediaeval complex of rock-hewn churches of Lalibela is sub-Saharan Africa's most breathtaking historical site, comprising as it does eleven rock churches and two chapels excavated in the 12th century.

Location – Amhara

Registration Year : 1978

Lonely Ethiopia Tours